About the GIIP


Since 2011, the GIANT International Internship Programme has welcomed more than 300 non-European interns in laboratories of the GIANT campus in Grenoble, France.
Every year from May to July and from September to December, undergraduate and graduate students from partner universities throughout the world are given the opportunity to do a 10 to 12-week full-time internship in state-of-the-art facilities of the GIANT campus.
Laboratory work is complemented by a series of laboratories and facilities visits, and weekly seminars given by GIANT researchers. Cultural and social acitivites are also organised to help the interns integrate the local community.

Have a look at the latest GIIP brochure! 

The programme is supported financially by  :

logo GIANT         Logo-cmjn-typogris-pastillebleue-JPGLOGO_FOND-NANOSCIENCEStlanef


The GIANT campus is located in Grenoble, in the heart of the French Alps, and it stands for Grenoble Innovation for Advanced New Technologies. It brings higher education, research and industry closer together to foster technological breakthroughs in the fields of information and communication, energy, and health.

The founding partners of GIANT are CEA, CNRS, EMBL, ESRF, GEM, ILL, Grenoble-INP and UGA. For more information on the GIANT campus, click here.